Glittering event in the Esperantohalle event space

Fantastic Anniversary Gala with an Optimistic Look into the Future

JUMO celebrated its 75th anniversary with a glittering event in the Esperantohalle. Numerous guests from politics, business, and administration were impressed by the supporting program of the fantastic anniversary gala. General Partner Bernhard Juchheim not only looked at the past and present, but also optimistically into the future.


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In addition to the guests of honor and numerous former and current JUMO colleagues, Bernhard Juchheim also welcomed member of the Bundestag Michael Brand (CDU), members of the Landtag Sebastian Müller (CDU) and Thomas Hering (CDU), as well as Fulda's mayor Dr. Heiko Wingenfeld (CDU) and district administrator Bernd Woide (CDU).

Bernhard Juchheim went into detail about the early days of the company, when his father and company founder Moritz Kurt Juchheim achieved his first successes with patented glass contact thermometers. Even then, his father had always looked ahead and knew that thermometers had to be further developed and the product range expanded to stand one's ground against the competition. He always had close tabs on the market and was good at anticipating technical developments. The company founder had been an entrepreneur and not one to simply wait for things to happen by themselves. "That is the key element of our success story – the courage to change," Bernhard Juchheim stressed.

Tradition through change

JUMO has continuously changed over 75 years to remain at its core what JUMO is. Bernhard Juchheim described that as a family-run, medium-sized company with a clear set of values, a high level of responsibility for its employees, and a long-term growth strategy.

He explained how he was proud that JUMO is among the 4 % of all companies in Germany that are over 70 years old. "Tradition through change" is therefore something close to our company motto. But change cannot be prescribed, it has to be lived – especially by the employees," said Bernhard Juchheim.

He expressly praises the great cooperation with the workers' council over all the decades, stating that communication and cooperation instead of confrontation is the guiding principle of the collaboration. He referred to the good and amicable cooperation with the mayor as well as the district administrator and mentioned in this context the quick building permit for the new plant in the "Technologiepark West".

He also addressed the successful partnership with the craft trades in the region. "They create the structural and spatial conditions on site so that we can ultimately grow globally," says the JUMO General Partner.

Comprehensive industry expertise

Bernhard Juchheim highlighted JUMO's broad and in-depth industry expertise. He detailed how JUMO is very aware of the challenges and is able to develop individual solutions quickly and flexibly, stating that JUMO is positioning itself more and more successfully as a system and solution provider. According to Juchheim, the triad of components, systems, and solutions makes JUMO unique – and is the path to the future.

He concluded by thanking all the guests who have supported the company all these years: "Without you, JUMO would not be what it is today: a globally successful company with regional roots, a reliable employer, and a player in shaping the future which you can continue to expect a lot from."

During the entertaining conversations and anecdotes that followed, the Chris Genteman Group and the JUMO band provided fantastic musical accompaniment.

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